Saturday, 22 June 2013

genetic heritage of the "Peking Duck" decrypted

An international team of scientists under Chinese leadership has deciphered the genetic material of the mallard ("Anas platyrchynchos"). Especially important to the results of their immune system genes could be because ducks are a classic reservoir for influenza viruses.

The study:
"The duck genome and transcriptome to Provide insight into avian influenza virus reservoir species" of Yinhua Huang and colleagues is on 9.6. in "Nature Genetics" appeared.
Yinhua by Huang State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology in Hong Kong and his colleagues report in their study that the ducks are genetically well adapted to survive infection with influenza A viruses.

This holds for the virus a survival and proliferation advantage, because faster death of the host organism cuts the chain of infection rather from. Thus, the Ducks have apparently typical Genmerkmale that are in connection therewith.

As with chickens
"Nature Genetics": "A genetic comparison with other birds and mammals showed that ducks have fewer genes associated with the immune defense to communicate than mammals These are similar observations, as they were also made in chickens and zebra finches.."

The water birds are to have been (eg avian flu) suspected as an important reservoir for A (H5N1) viruses.

The scientists also compared the gene expression in the lungs of ducks, which had been infected with highly pathogenic for them and less dangerous influenza viruses. It was found that certain proteins (defensins) appear to play a significant role in the defense against the pathogen.

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